Today, I have released version 6.9.51 of the LogSkeleton package. The new features in this release are:
- The option to use “Almost-always” relations. Using a slider, the user can set a threshold for this “Almost”, which ranges from 80 (holds for 80% percent of all occurrences of the activity) to 100 (holds for all occurrences). The “Almost-always” constraint will show in dark blue, and the head/tail labels indicate the “Almost”-fraction (where .80 means 80% etc.).
- The option to use edge colors. As mentioned, the “Almost-always” constraints will show (partly) in dark blue, the Not Co-existence in dark red.
- The option to place the head and tail labels on the head and tail, instead of on the edge itself with a left arrow in-between which indicate that the right number should be on the head and the left number on the tail.
- The option to not show Not co-existence constraints for activities that are not the first in their equivalence class.

In the example shown, activity a precedes activity h in 88% of all cases (that is, of all occurrences of activity h). Furthermore, note that the Not co-existence constraint for activity s is not shown. This constraints can be derived from the fact that activity s is equivalent to activity p, for which the constraint is shown.