Developing and running ProM plug-ins on your local computer

To develop and run your plug-ins on your local computer, please perform the following steps:

  1. Install Eclipse IDE for Java Developers
  2. Install in this Eclipse the Subclipse and the IvyDE plugins
  3. Create a new “SVN/Checkout Projects from SVN” project, and select as the folder to check out.

In the local project, you can then implement your process mining plug-in, and test it by running the “ProM with UITopia (NewPackageIvy)” configuration. Your local plug-ins will then be included in running instance of ProM. Note that the folder already contains some template code that may help you to structure your ProM plug-in.

Background information

  • You need Subclipse (or something similar) to be able to access the SVN repository from Eclipse.
  • You need IvyDE (or something similar) to be able to resolve dependencies with other ProM packages and third-party libraries.