Release 6.13.87 of DiSCover

Today, version 6.13.87 of the DiSCover package has been released. This release comes with an “Xcavate Petri net” plug-in that replaces the “DiSCover Petri net (Auto)” plug-in. This new plug-in discovers a Petri net for a collection of filtering thresholds, and selects the best workflow net from these discovered Petri nets, taking into account a Read More …

Release 6.13.74 of DiSCover

Today, version 6.13.74 of the DiSCover package has been released. This release has replaced the option to reduce restricted simple silent transitions with an option to reduce clustered simple silent transitions, and adds the “DiSCover Petri net (Auto)” plug-in. The benefit of the clustered reduce option is that after the reduction it is still the Read More …

Release 6.13.70 of DiSCover

Today, version 6.13.70 of the DiSCover package has been released. This release introduces options to filter the component matrices, to select a smallest subset of components that cover all activities, and to skip step 4 (which may take a long time).

Release 6.13.64 of DiSCover

Today, version 6.13.64 of the DiSCover package has been released. This release introduces two additional reduction options to remove simple silent transitions (silent transitions that have a single input and a single output) from the resulting Petri net. These two options can only be selected if the option to reduce has been selected, and only Read More …

Release 6.13.62 of DiSCover

Today, version 6.13.62 of the DiSCover package has been released. This release introduces a wizard that guides you through the configuration of the DiSCover algorithm. The wizard consists of 8 steps, which are introduced next. As working example we use the example event log from the following paper:

Release 6.13.54 of DiSCover

Today, version 6.13.54 of the DiSCover package has been released. This release fixes an issue when replaying an event log on a net that does not contain a transition for some event. Earlier releases will then throw a null pointer exception as the transition corresponding to the event cannot be found.

Release 6.13.52 of DiSCover

Today, version 6.13.52 of the DiSCover package has been released. This release contains two updates to the DiSCover algorithm: Consistent subgraphs and less spurious silent transitions. 1. Consistent subgraphs The subgraphs as generated by 6.13.52 are now consistent, meaning that they all originate from one and the same filtered directly-follows graph. In 6.12.50, every subgraph Read More …

Discovering an S-Coverable WF-net using DiSCover

Presented at the ICPM 2022 International Conference on Process Mining in Bolzano, Italy, on October 25, 2022 Citation Slides Downloads Both algorithms use an absolute threshold that equals 1, a relative threshold that equals 3, and default values for all other parameters. These thresholds are set in the “Scripts/Discover.txt” file, lines 31 and 32. After Read More …